Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Our Soldiers Want More Zam-Buk

From the Brecon & Radnor Express, 14th January 1915.

Our Soldiers Want More Zam-Buk

Letters received almost daily from the firing line in France and Belgium prove how indispensable Zam-Buk is to our gallant soldiers, not only for mending the cuts and bruises incidental to the hard life in the trenches, but also for healing their sore feet after long marches, and preventing frost-bite and rheumatism.

Lance-Corporal J. P. Delaney, a Distinguished Conduct Medallist, of the 2nd Royal Irish Regt., in a letter dated November 24th, says :—“A box of Zam-Buk out here is like a loaf of bread to a starving man.  On the retreat from Mons we had a forced march of 37 miles, and not a man who used Zam-Buk on his feet fell out.  I can safety recommend Zam-Buk to everyone as being the best healer on the market.”

Private E. Westfield, No. 9896. "C" Company, 3rd Worcesters, which regiment Sir John French singled out for special praise, writes from the trenches on Dec. 7 :—“I wish we had more Zam-Buk sent out from home—it would be much better if more Zam-Buk was sent instead of so much tobacco.  We find Zam-Buk the best remedy for sore hands after trench-digging, and for frost-bite, cracks, and cold sores.”

Another Distinguished Conduct Medallist, Private A. Mutlow, 2nd South Staffs., writing from “Somewhere in France.” on Dec. 5th, says :— “In my opinion every soldier should have a box of Zam-Buk in his kit when ‘treking,’ as Zam-Buk is the most valuable addition to his marching powers.  I am a constant user of Zam-Buk for chafed legs, from which I suffer on long marches.  I brought a supply out here from Aldershot, and it is in great demand amongst my comrades.  Zam-Buk is also very effective for galled feet and blistered heels.”

Sergeant A. J. Earl, D.C.M., "C" Squadron, 15th (King's) Hussars, writing on Nov. 11th, says :—“Zam-Buk is so compact and keeps so well under the trying conditions of warfare that it is undoubtedly the best 'first-aid' a soldier can carry with him.  I brought four boxes of Zam-Buk with me when I left England, and they were soon used up by myself and comrades, together with more boxes which they brought with them.”

The above letters, which have all come through and been passed by the Censor, clearly show that our Soldiers urgently want more Zam-Buk.  Everyone of our readers, therefore, cannot do their soldier and sailor friends a better service than by sending them gifts of one, two, or even three one and three-halfpenny boxes of Zam-Buk at once!

[Zam-Buk was - and still is - a herbal antiseptic ointment.]


  1. Oh my father used countless tins of that on his feet during his lifetime. Thanks for bringing back some memories

    1. Nice that you remember it. Maybe we will all have to go back to remedies like Zam-Buk when we can't use antibiotics any more...
