Sunday, 18 January 2015

A Plain Knit Shetland Scarf

From the Woman's Own Knitting Supplement, 16th January 1915.

To Make a Shetland Scarf Quickly

These are the Lightest and Warmest Scarves to Make

A warm scarf that can easily be folded to put in the pocket is an ideal gift for a soldier, and such useful gifts are now being made in the Shetland Isles of the natural wool, which costs fourpence per cut.
To make one 2 yards long and 20 inches wide, cast on 75 stitches on to No. 12 vulcanite needles.
Knit one row plain.
2nd row : K. off 2 stitches, put up thread, k. 2 together, * k. 5 plain, put up thread, k. 2 together ; repeat from * to end of row.
Next rows to be knitted plain until the length required is worked.  Then work the 2nd row over again to make the holes in the end of scarf, then one row plain, and cast off.

To MAKE THE FRINGE.—Have a piece of wood 7 inches broad, and wind round this the wool that is left over.  Cut at one end, and count 5 threads for each hole ; double the threads when separated, and put the centre through hole; slip the ends through the loop, and pull tightly—in the usual way of attaching fringe.  Repeat until all the holes are threaded; then divide each "tassel," and knot half of one with half of another.  Other methods of finishing the ends will suggest themselves to ingenious or artistic workers. Many men, of course, prefer the ends left plain.

There are 100 threads in each cut, and from 2½ to 3 cuts of the Shetland wool are required.

[The fringe sounds a daft idea if the scarf was intended for a soldier - I should think that indeed "many men prefer the ends left plain."]

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