Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Hospital Clothing Wanted

From the Brecon County Times, 7th January 1915

War Clothing Depot.
Miss deWinton has received a letter of most grateful thanks from the Colonel commanding 7th Battalion S. W.B. [South Wales Borderers] at St. Leonard's for the gift of 250 pairs of socks sent him.  Hospital garments for the wounded are now much needed.  Miss deWinton wants made 100 flannelette nightshirts, also flannel nightshirts and bedjackets, and has materials in stock for making them.  Slippers also are much wanted, as many men are suffering from frost-bite.  Socks are still much needed.  She hopes all requests for materials may be sent to her by Monday, the 10th, as she may be away for a fortnight after that.  She finds the helmets asked for will not be needed until January 29th, when she hopes all possible will be sent to the Depot.

[We have heard from Miss deWinton before - for instance here.  She doesn't waste words in issuing instructions, but to be fair she had issued an earlier warning on 31st December that she would be  asking for hospital garments: “Miss de Winton is now sending garments to Talgarth Asylum for wounded. She may ask working parties to make some hospital garments at short notice.”

 She does seem to be away from Brecon a lot - inconvenient for her volunteers as no-one else is allowed to issue materials for making garments.]

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