From the Brecon County Times, 7th January 1915.
[The second part of yesterday's post.]
More Masculine Comforts.
The two comforts sketched..., consisting of a chest protector and colic belt, will be much appreciated by motorists and cyclists, whether despatch-riding at the front, or on duty at home. The former is a design which I have adapted from one I saw abroad —in Belgium to be precise—which, I think, is explained clearly in the sketch. I have shown it with one side opened out in order that you may have an idea of the shape, as both sides are alike, whilst the other is folded over in the manner in which it fastens on the shoulder. When on, the opened-out side would cross over the other, and be buttoned on the other shoulder.
This protector should, of course, be made of flannel, well lined or quilted all over except at the ends, where it is fastened over, as this comes at the shoulder, and should not be clumsy here.
If possible, the outer portion should be of leather, and if lined with good thick homespun or woollen material it will make a splendid chest protector for a motor-cyclist or motorist. I may perhaps be allowed to add just here that from information I have received a leather chest protector is preferred to any other, as things do not cling to it, as in the case of material of a furry or hairy kind. The shape sketched is excellent for the purpose, and will appeal to those who are not expert knitters, or who, so to speak, want to get over the ground a little more quickly than is possible with the pins.
The Belt
can probably be obtained from the pieces remaining after cutting out the protector if flannel be used, whether for the entire wrap or only for the lining.
It is seamed at the sides, or may have more seams than these, as, being intended for a male wearer, it should be narrower at the upper than the lower portion, owing to the absence of the curve of the hips. This, like the protector, should be of double flannel, and preferably quilted across, not very closely. The seams of the two portions should be opened out flat and placed to face each other inside, so that there should be no ridges to make the belt uncomfortable in wear.
It is bound all round with silk binding or fine soft tape, and is tied in front by three or four sets of tapes—the number depending on the width of the belt—9 to 12 inches being that usually considered necessary.
["Colic belt" is another name for a cholera belt or body belt. The Queen's appeal for 300,000 body belts, in September 1914, had specified either knitted or woven belts, but most of the publicity about making them relates to the knitted variety.
As with the nightingale, readers could send off for a pattern for these comforts.]
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