Monday, 9 March 2015

Wash Your White Clothes in Any Weather

From the Halifax Courier, 6th March 1915.


Weather Permitting! OMO Permits.

The old order gives place to the new.  OMO enables you to Bleach, Cleanse, and Purify your white clothes in any weather.

Hitherto the bleaching of white things was a lengthy operation.  The clothes had to be exposed to the sun and pure country air for days.  Fine weather was absolutely necessary.  To-day it only takes minutes to bleach your white things and all that is necessary is OMO  BLEACHER, CLEANSER, PURIFIER.
Put the white things into cold water with OMO, bring them to the boil, let them boil for awhile, rinse and hang to dry.

Not for coloureds, woollens, or flannels. 

[A reminder that washing clothes was very hard work before washing machines became available.]    

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