Tuesday, 3 March 2015

A Workshop Making Comforts for Soldiers

From the Sunderland Daily Echo, 3rd March 1915. 


Sir,—Will you allow me to suggest to those of your readers who are interested in knitting comforts for the troops that the need is still great?  Thousands of our men are being sent to the front within the next few weeks; the nights are still very cold, and not only our men but French and Belgians also much appreciate the English “chausettes” when they can get them.  May I further suggest that if generous givers would, instead of knitting so many mittens and socks themselves, give a part of their order to our unemployed women's workroom at Usworth, county Durham, they would also be helping to keep girls in work during the war at little cost to themselves, for the difference between the wholesale and retail price of wool would then be spent on labour?

We started this workroom in the autumn, when the pits were on very short time; all the profits go to the workers engaged, our running expenses being very low indeed, thanks to the kindness of the trustees of the Primitive Methodist Chapel, who loaned us two of their rooms.  We turn out really good work, either by hand or machines, and, as you will see by our price list enclosed, at very reasonable prices.  It bids fair to establish a permanent industry in a village where there are very few openings for girls, and is an excellent trade for them to have in their hands—a boon in these hard times.— Yours, etc.,
Organiser for the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies.
Unemployed Women's Workrooms, Primitive Methodist Chapel, New Rows, New Washington.

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