Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The Need for Comforts

From the Glasgow Herald, 4th February 1915. 


The Navy Well Supplied.—Lady Jellicoe asks us to state that any of His Majesty's ships still requiring blankets should apply to her at 29 Sussex Square, Hyde Park. London, W., stating the numbers required and, if possible, the base where to send them.  Her Ladyship points out that Admiral Jellicoe and other Admirals afloat have written to the effect that owing to the great generosity of the public all ships that they know of are well supplied with winter comforts and blankets, and that they have an ample supply for the time being.  Lady Jellicoe wishes this information to be made known to the public, to prevent further appeals for blankets, etc.  She has a large reserve of funds and blankets, and ships need only apply to her and their demands will receive immediate attention.

A Glasgow Appeal.—Professor Robert S. Rait, 31 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, has issued an appeal for comforts for a number of men who are going to the front, and who, as they do not belong: to any of the regular units of the Army, have no organisation to collect for them the gifts which are being so generously sent to their comrades.  The men to whom he refers are soon to be sent out with some naval guns, and a near relative of his who is going with them has asked him to make an appeal for socks, mufflers, and mittens.  The mufflers and mittens should be khaki-coloured.

[These two pieces appearing consecutively demonstrate the results of unco-ordinated appeals for comforts of various kinds.  While Lady Jellicoe is saying "Please don't send any more", other groups of men are having to rely solely on what the War Office provides - evidently felt to be inadequate.]  

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