Saturday 8 August 2015

Do Your Bit for the Courier Comforts Fund

From the Halifax Courier, 7th August 1915.




You cannot all fight or make munitions, but you can all give and, though your gift be verily a mite it will be your little bit for the good cause.  The requirements of the lads at the front, the wounded in hospital, and the prisoners in Germany are so many and urgent as to make us nigh despair of meeting them.  But we have never yet appealed in vain, and we have faith to believe that we never lack the means of responding to the call of the brave fighters.

During last Saturday’s street procession our collectors gathered £58 10s. 2d.  This is a sum we greatly appreciate, particularly in view of the small number of young ladies who responded to our appeal for collectors—a number far too small to cover the whole route of the procession.  We leave the public to estimate what might have been gathered with a larger body of helpers.  Our sincere thanks are due to the loyal few who worked so well on Saturday.  The result of their efforts was splendid, and the amount they reaped greater than we dared to expect from 50 boxes of limited capacity.

To the Fund Manager.  Dear Sir, — I am most grateful for the trouble you have taken regarding bivouacs.  I can assure you that we shall look forward to their arrival.  Yours sincerely, R.T. Bullock, Major.
We still require £28 to pay for the 90 bivouacs ordered.

At £150 a week every local unit fighting might have comforts every 6 weeks.  Is this too often?  They get less frequently otherwise — must do. 

Hundreds of acknowledgments of Gifts (from Continent, Internment Camps and Sea) can be inspected at the Fund headquarters.

Managed without administrative cost.

All accounts can be seen.

No haphazard buying.  Prisoners and isolated men supplied fortnightly till the Fund reaches larger proportions.

Collecting boxes for shops, hotels, clubs, &c., and placards announcing mill collections, may be had at our office.

[The Halifax Courier Comforts Fund was struggling to raise enough money for its commitments - the bivouacs referred to were waterproof tents for the Halifax Artillery, appealed for at the end of July.  Meanwhile, the paper had reported that the Alexandra Rose Day in Halifax had been a great success, with  3,000 helpers and raising over £1,000.] 

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