Dickins and Jones, Regent-street.
Practicability and daintiness are charmingly allied in a fine ecru lace blouse, mounted over pale pink or ivory ninon, the high back collar finished with a chic little black velvet tie, a possession anyone would prize, and costing only 20s. 6d. Then a most fascinating choice prevails in fashionable neck wear, such as pleated aerophane collars, with velvet tie 4s. 6d., the new striped silk collar, with vest attached for wearing under an open fronted coat, 4s. 11d.; jabots of fine cream lace, 5s. 11d.; and the latest thing in wired Medici collars in cream or black lace, 5s. 6d.
A fur-lined travelling coat, for those who can afford the necessary expenditure of 5 guineas, could not possibly be received with anything but gratitude, as also a smart little ermine cravat at 49s. 6d., or one of the numerous other fur sets procured by Messrs. Dickins and Jones at exceptionally moderate prices.
Appealing, too, is a useful work bag, fitted with rings to sling over the arm, that starts in cretonne at 1s.11d, and rises in value, according to the quality of the material used in its construction, to 7s. 11d, the shape in every instance being the same practical style for holding knitting, &c. Handbags, always a feature here, start off with a charming little model in dull shades of leather, the interior fitted with inner division, 4s. 11d., a particularly handsome bag, in fine seal leather, with centre division and vanity case, costing 25s. 6d., an extremely nice moire bag, with metal frame, lined rich corded silk and fitted with hanging mirror, striking a happy mean at 13s. 9d.
[There's an interesting contrast between some of the prices given here, and the wages earned in relatively good times by the women featured in the previous post.]
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