Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Internees Knitting

From the Portsmouth Evening News, 30th December 1914. 

Interned Naval Men

“A Helper” ...  gives some details of the Christmas treat provided for the interned Naval men in Holland through the efforts of Commodore Wilfred Henderson, and his officers and friends.  The small appeal made by them to the public was most generously responded to, and it was made possible to provide a splendid Christmas dinner of turkey and plum pudding for the 1,500 men, as well as a small gift for each.  The interned men are clothed and fed and housed and every effort is made to keep them occupied and in good spirits.

Commodore Henderson, in answer to inquiries, asked that no ready-made woollen garments should be deflected from the men at the front, but that friends should rather give wool, or money to buy wool, so that the men should knit their own warm garments, and when those on the spot were provided, should go on knitting for their less well-provided comrades in the trenches and at sea.  This was done, thus giving a number of men useful and interesting occupation.  

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