Wednesday 25 November 2015

Army Winter Kit

From The Western Times,  23rd November 1915.


Warmer Clothes for the Kilted Troops

The coming of winter has found the War Office Department whose duty it is to clothe the Army fully prepared with supplies of warm clothing for the protection of the troops against the rigours of winter warfare.  The following is a list of the apparel provided by the military authorities for each soldier at the front:  Winter service cap, waterproof cover for cap, cap comforter, body belt, woollen vest and drawers, shirt, cardigan waistcoat, tunic and trousers, fur or leather (flannel lined) jacket, great-coat, waterproof cape, fingerless snow gloves, woollen gloves, socks, puttees, and boots.

In addition, gum boots reaching to the top of the thigh are provided for men actually in the trenches.  The special needs of the kilted regiments have not been overlooked, and auxiliary warm clothing is provided for them.

The authorised scale of equipment, we are informed, allows two shirts and four pairs of socks for each man.  From time to time complaints reach this country that men in this or that battalion are in want of socks and shirts, and appeals for these articles or money for purchasing them are advertised.  It is stated on good authority that there is no real necessity for such appeal, as ample Government supplies are available to meet all demands made through the proper channels.  Mufflers and mittens, however, are not a “Government supply,” and the making, purchase, and collection of them is a field in which the generosity and industry of the public will be warmly welcomed.

[There was a continuing confusion in the newspapers about what 'comforts' the men at the Front need.  The official War Office line was that only mufflers and mittens were needed, in the way of clothing,  and only because the War Office had decided not to supply these, and to leave then to the knitters at home.  But at the same time there were many letters and other appeals in the papers asking for socks, which seem to be well-founded - several officers at the Front write to say that 'you can never have too many socks'. ]    


  1. Warmer clothes for the kilted troops - not much specificity in there! Love your posts.

    1. Possibly hose tops, at least - otherwise, I can't guess. Glad to know you like the blog.
