Thursday, 3 November 2016

The Woman Workers Toilet

From the Abergavenny Chronicle, 3rd November 1916.


The woman war worker who feels the fatigue of her unaccustomed work, should take advantage of the comfort and relief afforded to her in the Royal Vinolia articles of toilet.
First and foremost comes the celebrated Royal Vinolia Cream, which nourishes the skin, and keeps it soft and supple.  As a medicated cream it is invaluable for healing the slight cuts and abrasions which are liable to occur in factory or on farm, and which might lead to serious trouble if neglected.  In all cases of skin trouble or eruption, Royal Vinolia Cream will be found to give instant relief.  It is supplied in dainty tins, varying in price from 1s. 1½d. to 6s. 9d.

Then there is Royal Vinolia Talcum Powder, which is delightfully soothing to the skin that has become tender after exposure to wind and sun.  It readily absorbs excessive perspiration, and keeps the skin free from redness and irritation.  It is packed in handsome tins of Wedgwood design at ninepence and a shilling each.

Last, but not least, comes Royal Vinolia Tooth Paste, which is sold in tubes at sixpence and one shilling each.  This should be used by all who wish to have and to retain sound, white teeth.  Its antiseptic properties prevent decay, and keep the mouth in a healthy condition.  Good teeth are essential to good health, and the use of Royal Vinolia Tooth Paste ensures good teeth.

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