Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Soap in the Soldier's Home

From the Brecon & Radnor Express, 16th September 1915.

Text: In the Soldier's Home kept spick and span for the day when "he" returns triumphant, Puritan Soap is an ever-welcome guest.
Alike here and in thousands of other happy homes Puritan Soap is welcomed and loved because it is so gentle in use —so tender to the clothes, so pleasant to the hands that use it.
Puritan Soap is gentle because it contains olive oil — sweet olive oil of nature's own giving.
It is the olive oil in Puritan Soap which saves the clothes from wash-day wear and tear, and makes them, like itself, sweet, pure and fragrant.
That is why so many housewives say quite truly that Puritan Soap saves its cost every week in the clothes it saves.
Will you order Puritan Soap from your grocer, oilman or stores? It is sold in several sizes: a size for every need.
PURITAN SOAP is used in Britain's happiest homes
Made by Christr. Thomas & Bros., Ltd., Bristol, Soapmakers since 1745.

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