Thursday, 13 November 2014

Support for Mothers

From the Holme Valley Express, 14th November 1914.


Capt. J. E. Eastwood, in charge of the local Territorials who have volunteered for active service, writes to the editor of the “Express” as follows:-

“Very many thanks for the way you so promptly attended to my appeal for games, &c., for the men of “F” Company, also I must thank the kind patrons of the Holmfirth Picturedrome for the further parcel of tobacco and cigarettes.

I should like to know if the Holmfirth Distress Committee are keeping the mothers in Holmfirth who are dependent on their sons for support.  If so, I have one or two cases I could mention.  These men only get 1/- [1 shilling] a day, and have to pay for washing, &c., so this does not leave them much to send to their mothers.”

[I think that the separation allowance of 12s. 6d. a week, discussed by the New Mill Distress Committee in a previous post, was paid only to wives and not to mothers, even if they were dependent on their sons for financial support.  The pay of private soldiers was low to start with, and it seems astonishingly mean to hold some of it back to pay for necessities like washing.  (Laundry?)]  

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