Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Getting an Allotment

From Woman’s Weekly, February 16th 1918.


ALTHOUGH every one is talking about the “allotment movement,” many seem rather puzzled about how to obtain one.  First find out whether you have a Local Allotment Committee or any Horticultural Society in your neighbourhood, and, if so, apply to them.  If not, write to the Secretary of the Vacant Land Society, 17, Buckingham Street, Strand, London, and tell him what you want, and where.  If he cannot help you, he will put you in touch with some society who can.

Those who know the nation's food shortage are only too keen that every man, woman, and child should grow food, and all kinds of schemes are a-foot to get hold of land for this purpose, so something will be managed for you if it is possible.

I would warn you to have nothing to do with private individuals letting out on hire bits of land they call “war plots,” unless you know they are perfectly genuine.  You don't want to find that your ground is required for a cinema or factory just as the first fruits of your toil are coming to perfection.  This is exactly what happened in many cases last year, so be very clear about your terms of tenancy, whatever ground you take up.

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