From the Llangollen Advertiser, 1st February 1918.
Lord Rhondda now states that he regards compulsory rations as "inevitable and urgent." In the opinion of many this was so as far back as May last, but it has taken a good many demonstrations of workers in industrial areas to bring the Ministry of Food to the realisation of the fact. The whole country, the Food Controller says, will shortly be covered by rationing schemes framed under his order by the local food control committees, and they will thus be developed into a comprehensive scheme. Meat as well as butter and margarine will be rationed under the new scheme that comes into force on February 25 for London and the Home Counties, and there seems every probability of an early extension of this arrangement with the rest of the country.
The Wrexham Food Control Committee have decided to give priority in supplying of milk to children up to five and to invalids. Parents unable to obtain supplies will be given an order by the Food Office under which a milk retailer will be required to give a supply of milk in preference to the customers. Joint action has been taken by the Borough and Rural District Committees in carrying out a scheme for equalising the distribution of butter and margarine. During the past week all persons requiring margarine and butter have had to produce their sugar cards before obtaining a 4oz. ration of butter or margarine.
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