Rationing of Butter, Margarine and Tea.
The Sheffield Food Control Committee met yesterday evening to consider a scheme for the regulation of the supplies of butter and margarine within the city. This scheme was the outcome of conferences between traders in the city and representatives of the committee.
The essential feature of the scheme is that each householder shall be "tied" to a shop for the supply of the commodities named. He or she will be supplied with a card available for three months, and when a purchase is made this will be entered upon the card. Through the medium of the committee the shopkeeper will secure the supplies necessary to give customers the fixed amount. The card which will be issued will be threefold—one portion for the shopkeeper, another for the committee, and the third for the householder.
The committee has made elaborate arrangements as to how the cards shall be filled up and stamped, and a sub-committee will consider and deal with questions of supplies, deliveries, etc.
It has been decided that "there shall be no canvassing or advertising for cards," and that the scheme shall be extended to tea and any other foods.
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