Friday, 8 July 2016

Denbighshire County Comforts Association

From the Denbighshire Free Press, 8th July, 1916.


The Director General of Voluntary Organizations begs to notify all Associations that it is necessary to make provision for the large number of warm comforts which his department will be called upon to provide in the probable event of another winter campaign and, if hostilities terminate sooner, large bodies of troops will still have to be provided for.

Associations are therefore recommended to commence making and collecting supplies of articles such as Cardigan waistcoats, mufflers, mittens, helmets and hand-knitted socks, so that considerable quantities may be available for requisition by the department for forwarding to the distant theatres of war towards the end of August, and for Western front at the end of September and during October.
Bearing in mind the great increase in our Overseas Force since the close of the last winter campaign, it is certain that the demands in the coming autumn will be far greater than those of last year. There is, no doubt, a vast body of workers who will be willing to devote some time during their summer holiday to making supplies of the articles enumerated. It is only by preparation in advance that Associations can hope to be in a position to fulfil demands which they will be asked to respond to in the early autumn.

The Drill Hall, Denbigh, is open every Saturday, 2-45 p.m., when people can obtain wool, etc for the work.

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