Wednesday, 17 October 2018

A Red Cross Hospital in Wales

From the Brecon & Radnor Express, 17th October, 1918.

Sir,—Our first convoy of 30 patients since the re-opening of the Hospital, arrived on Saturday evening, 12th.  We offer most grateful thanks to Col. Kennard, Miss Williams (Penpont), Rev. H. Church Jones, Messrs. Nott and Co., and Miss Nancie Jones, who lent cars to fetch the patients from the station.  Owing to an accident on the line the train was an hour late, and the patients arrived very cold and hungry, so it was all important they should be brought swiftly to warmth and food.  We also offer thanks for following gifts:— Sack of potatoes from children of Llandilorfan Council School, grown in the playground by the children; 2 rabbits, Miss Davies. Penwern; 4 gallons milk. 5 lbs. butter, Mrs McClintock; 2 lbs. honey, Mrs Stubbs, per Miss Best; tomatoes for men, Mrs Raikes.  We hope our kind friends who have sent us vegetables, eggs, etc., will remember our wants.


[Earlier in the war, Miss de Winton ran the War Clothing Depot in Brecon, and issued regular requests for local knitters to produce socks, mittens, etc.  In fact, she was still doing that, while also, as this letter shows, running the Penoyre Red Cross Hospital.] 

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