From the Halifax Courier 10th June 1916
On Thursday, a novel gathering took place in the Victoria Hall, in aid of the Mayoress's Red Cross Fund for Soldiers’ and Sailors' Comforts. It was arranged by the Mayoress's Red Cross Committee, and bore the name of an American Knitting Tea, the proceedings continuing from 3 to 6 p.m. The spacious hall was filled with small tea tables, at which the visitors sat. Each visitor was asked to bring one article of not less value than 1s. [1 shilling] and to buy one article also. Thus all the goods sold were given, and it is hoped to realise a substantial sum. ..... There were flower, cake, and miscellaneous stalls, contributions for these being received at the hall this morning. By permission of Col. Parsons, selections were played by the Duke of Wellington's Regimental Band under the direction of Bandmaster Hancock. Others promising their services were Miss Dorothy Waller, Miss Abercrombie, and Miss Susan Briggs (vocalists), Miss Jowett (elocutionist), Mrs. Drury (pianist), and pupils of the Halifax High School, the latter giving national dances.